Next Meeting Sunday 2nd October

Dont forget that our next meeting is on this Sunday so bring along anything you want to build or show. We will also be experimenting with the format a little to create a more relaxed feel to the meetings.

Rene De Konig will be awarded his winning trophy for his entry to the past event of Build A Bitch. Later in the meeting Rene will also take us through a demo on ‘How to Decant Spray Packs’ for airbrushing.

We will also be seeking member nominations for the ‘Gunna-Build’ in an effort to get members to build that kit that has been sitting in the stash as one of those must builds – but never got around to it!

And as a separate segment we will present an open forum on ‘Club Builds vs Personal Builds’

It will be another fun day so look forward to seeing you all there.

Next Meeting Sunday 11th September

This is a meeting reminder for Sunday the 11th and is a rescheduled meeting given that last Sunday was Fathers Day, and would have been a clash of loyalties. Some people might say that family come first, but we know the truth because just quietly we all know plastic rules! Just in case you picked up a model for Fathers Day please bring it along or at the very least bring yourself to join in the fun with our show and tell and whats new segments.

See you all there!


Michael Tabone