October Meeting Update

Our October meeting went well and included the judging for our famous ‘Build A Bitch’ (BAB) for 2018. All the kits were on the table showing various finishes, and keeping in mind these kits were the worst of the worst considering their vintage and horrible fit etc. Below are images of what the members had to contend with and the results were really quite impressive.

Mark Bujega from ‘Sprue Finders’ also kindly donated prizes for the placings, which was hugely appreciated.

1st Martin – Fokker Souther Cross

2nd Michael Turner – PZL37

3rd Tony Mollica – P-39 Aircobra

October Meeting

We are back again on 7th October so hope to see you all there.

There has been much hype over the recent announcement by Wingnut Wings of their soon to be released 1/32 Dambuster Avro Lancaster – a topic of hot discussion  I’m sure. This will be our 2nd last meeting of the year so come along with all your goodies to make this a great meeting.

Anyway hope to see you all there for our usual catch ups and general fun!