October Meeting Update

Another meeting done and dusted with the format change marked down as a success. The general feel of moving from a formatted agenda to a more free moving one has proved to be the right mix and my be just what we needed. We had a general chat about this, and the consensus was that the meeting should be flexible with the option of fine tuning as we go. A few of us brought along some kits to build, we had a collection of pre loved kits that were for sale, as well as a demonstration on decanting spray paint from a rattle can into a paint pot.

The formalities were occupied with a small 15-20 segment at the beginning, with an open forum topic of ‘building for yourself or for the club’ and a ‘whats on the table’ segment in the middle, plus a wind up towards the end with the demonstration. In between the formal parts we built our kits and had general chats, with the whole format being really engaging, with plenty of time to cover what we need to as a club and to include all the more fun bits.

This was a great meeting and will no doubt form a template for future meetings.